Liverpool Women’s Health Centre employs a Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) Health Promotion, Education and Access worker. This worker, from a non-English speaking background, works to improve access by CALD women to services that enhance their health and wellbeing.
Our CALD Health Promotion, Education and Access workers conduct and promote a range of events, programs, groups and activities both at the Centre and at various outreach locations. They can provide information and referral, support and advocacy with regards to health related matters.
We also have a variety of cultural groups held at the Centre through partnerships with external facilitators. These include:
Hindu-Urdu speaking women’s group
Arabic speaking women’s group
Vietnamese speaking women’s group
Spanish speaking women’s group
For more information on our multicultural specific services call us on (02) 9601 3555 or check out our current Groups & Events page.